Member # 35
David Vos
De Druppel

David is the second owner of "De Druppel" (to our knowledge) and he continues to feature this specimen of the Sheriff 600 sailboat on this community. We are most grateful for this. On this photo below, you may see that David is using his spinakker. According to him, "De Druppel" made 8 knots in strong winds with this sail. This is very good!
It may be seen from this photo that the installation of the spinakker is made in exactly the same way as is done on the "Fru Klang" (Member # 3, which is mine!)

Druppel with spinakker

It looks like "De Druppel" is sailing beautiful Dutch canals!

De druppel at a dutch lock

First upload: 2007-12-22 21:30 GMT+1