Member # 44

Paco features his specimen of the Sheriff 600, named “Alvedosa Arcade” on several photos. It is a very well-kept boat. Enjoy the photos, and note the folding jib!
I admit that I get more and more spoiled by my 2MBit broadband connection. The size of the photos becomes more and more unimportant, so please forgive me, those of you who still stick to modem connections!!

Alvedosa Arcade still on land
This is an interesting photo. You can, above all, see that we have another case of replacement of the original rudder with something that ought to give less heavy helming. We can also see that it seems to be nice, even in Spain, to have a wind shield to hide behind in the cockpit. But what is the use for the rope that goes around the upper rudder pivot?

After this we will see three phots of the "Alvedosa Arcade" in action. Nice photos!

Alvedosa Arcade in action - 1

Alvedosa Arcade in action - 2

Alvedosa Arcade in action - 3
Since Paco did not reveal a sail number in his request to be a member, I have used what is on this photo: It says "Spain 55" and since there is a Sheriff 600 mark on the sail, I assume that it is a sail that is made for the boat.

First upload: 2004-08-04 01:30 GMT+1