Member # 62
Bernd Wagner

These photos are "initiating photos" they show what kind of Sheriff 600 is at hand. Looking at it on these photos it seems likely, but not certain, that this is a specimen from 1969, and thus with a sail number of 300 or lower. The thing that creates uncertainty is the self-drains. Practically all Sheriff 600 owners have had SOME sort of problem with them, so in many cases they are modified to function better.

Bernd says that he bought the boat from a man in Boostedt that in 1993 "imported" it from Havneby, Römö in Denmark. And the port of this boat is currently still in Denmark ever since that time. It is in Marinaminde, Egernsund, (Flensborgfjord). Bernd says it is not too far to travel to get there from Germany.

The reap of boat

From this photo it can be seen that there are already some equipment: A speed and distance meter or a sonar (difficult to see what, it is only partly visible) and a compass. That is a good start. We would like to see photos when the boat is in the water!


First upload: 2009-04-12 18:30 GMT+1